Monday, September 27, 2010

parenting skills: conduct good communication

Communication is very important as it bond relationship between people. This include communication among families. Gaps in age cause misunderstanding between parents and child. This is due to the era of generation. Parents are a bit older and they grow up during the era of 60's or 50's, whereas children is from the millennium era. So, the way of expressing feelings through words is misused from both side.

Children are more rebel nowadays. They tend to use harsh words to express their feelings. Due to this situation, parents have to adapt with the changes and dont take it seriously. Do understand that they are influence by media and other culture. Children dont even meant what they say. Their anger and the attitude of ignorance conquers them. For example, parents did not let their child went to a party, the child got upset and start to rebel to express their anger. Just because they dont know how, they tend to use harsh words. "I hate you mom!" or maybe even worse.

Moreover, parents should also use straight forward meaning in advising them. Dont use such metaphor and intended meaning to say, "Dont come back home late after 8". See, it is easy to understand when the message is said very clearly. While, unsaid meaning could make the children confuse. "Dont be late!" Children does not know what time is it precisely is late? 12? 1? 2? When the children disobeyed, they get scolded without even realize that parents them selves does not communicate clearly. They did not deliver their message precisely, how would they know. They are just kids after all.

Other than that, when requesting something such as help, wish or anything from your child, use polite sentence. Just because yo have authority in the house, dont just simply yell to them to tell them what to do. For example, "Can you please keep quite? i'm working here", "Please help me run to the store for a while, will you?", "Help me to look after your sister this weekend okay?". Its like asking a question but without wanting the answer as the answer will be a definite YES. By asking them, it shows that you care about how they feel, you are concerning their choice and giving them options. In this way, your children does not feel burdened as a servant. If you did in the opposite way, they children will start to question you back. For instance, "Why should i?". "Do i have to?", "Who are you to tell me what to do?" or even "So?". This kind of answer will challenge your ego as parents and that will cause fight abusively.

Thus, treat them as an adult, adapt with the new environment and choose the right way to say as good communication can curb child abuse.

every words are belong to me, Hanis.

parenting skills: take time for your self

Child abuse can occur when the parents is tired of everything. Their body and mind is restless, especially in this hectic life. The business at work place, the traffic jam and the expectations need to fulfill in the job field. Moreover, when they get back home, they still can get a piece of rest as they have to cook, they have children to take care of, help them with their homework and even until iron their school uniform for the next morning! These routines keep spinning on and on everyday. The boredom of doing the same routine make body feels tired and mind too. When body get tired, it needs rest. If it has not enough rest, it will function uncontrolled. The same goes with mind.

Therefore, take some time for one self. Run away for a while. Go on a vacation and escape the routine. For example, go to an island somewhere away from people and have a sweet time for yourself. Go outstation or somewhere peaceful and more quite. Other than that, get away from the norms in life and do something unexpected. Do bunjee jumping or hiking, or even scuba diving. Do something that is a lot different than the normal routine. Besides that, if you have a limited time, just take a break for a while. For ladies, go to spa or saloon to have manicure, body massage or do a make over. Perhaps with new look, you will get a new aura.

In conclusion, refresh your self. Because after all, its your life what it counts and what matters most is, your condition affect your actions toward your children. So, dont neglect yourself.

Every word are belong to me, Hanis.

the outline

I will be discussing on the first solution which is improve parenting skills.
Ismadi will be discussing on the second point which is increase government involvement.
Lastly, Ratcha will be discussing on the third solution which is encourage society awareness.

group members, please do your part.
thank you. :)

parenting skills: act as the leader

In a flight, the pilot and the co-pilot plays a big role to make sure the flight went smooth without any incidents and assure the flight reach the destination. Similarly, mother and father is the pilot and co-pilot in a family. In a family, parents play an important role to make sure the whole family does not breakdown and make sure the family live happily ever after. Aware or not, want or not, every parent is the leader in a family. When they become parents, they immediately become leaders.

However, living in this era of globalization, there are a lot of challenges. As an adult, they felt the tension even more. Children needs, economic demands, works problem and everything is in their head. Thus, these kind of things effect their emotion and decision wise. They tend to be depressed and cant think the right way. They do not know how to deal with their emotion. Due to that reason, they put the blame on their child and make them the place to release their anger instead.

That is one factor that cause child abuse. So, in order to curb the situation, firstly, parents have to take one step back and look at them selves. They are lacking in parenting skills. To manage a good family organization, they must have organized and disciplined followers. To have organized and disciplined followers, they must have a good leader. To be a good leader, the leader must have a good leadership.

To have good leadership and eventually have a good and happy family, the parents should be:

  • optimist. person that see the glass "half full'.
  • able to focus on important things.
  • care about others.
  • demonstrate good manners.
  • confident in every step.
  • good in solving problem.
  • encouraging.

Enhance parenting skills and act as a good leader and eventually, child abuse can be curb.

every word are belong to me, Hanis.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


.............Child abuse is more than bruises or broken bones. While physical abuse is shocking due to the scars it leaves, not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making a child feel worthless or stupid are also child abuse. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm

Online news about child abuse

INTERVIEW KUALA LUMPUR:A few weeks ago, a four-year-old girl was reported to have been molested by a man ten times older than she.

The culprit was supposed to be taking care of her in her mother’s absence.

Malaysians have become familiar with stories of this kind in recent years; they no longer shock us as much as they used to.

Although no official statistics have been released, the claims by researchers and social workers are nevertheless staggering: it is estimated that one in every four Malaysians has been the victim of child sexual abuse.

Although the problem has been much exposed and discussed, many people still think of child sex offenders as dirty, suspicious-looking strangers.

Nothing could be further from the truth, according to Protect and Save the Children (PSC), a Malaysian NGO. It says nine of every ten child sex offenders are not only known, but also trusted and even loved by the victims.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment of children. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child. Most child abuse occurs in a child's home, with a smaller amount occurring in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, and child sexual abuse.

Different jurisdictions have developed their own definitions of what constitutes child abuse for the purposes of removing a child from his/her family and/or prosecuting a criminal charge. According to the Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, child abuse is "any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm".